Suddenly, the air was pierced by the savage howl of a predatory beast.
He consumes it, swallows it whole, like some great predatory beast.
When the black man smiled, he looked like a predatory beast.
Many of the predatory beasts having developed a "taste" for human flesh, and they were quite willing to "kill" to get it sometimes!
The exhaust made a low, throaty sound, and the car seemed to awaken, crouching like some predatory beast ready to spring.
Among predatory beasts, any display of weakness is an invitation to attack.
Humans have the human right to enjoy the world without stronger predatory beasts victimising them.
It crouched upon the ground like a predatory beast squatting on its haunches.
Andrea still didn't take her eyes away from him, and now they were dark and glistening like the eyes of some predatory beast.
Since then, the animals have multiplied to the point where they're a serious problem, especially the larger predatory beasts.