It is taken that Eryops was not very active, thus a predatory lifestyle, while possible, was probably not the norm.
The caniniform teeth suggest a predatory lifestyle for Helveticosaurus.
Because of their predatory lifestyle, often at the top of the food chain, they face distinct conservation concerns.
The dinosaur's "binocular vision, bite force and impact-resistant teeth" suggested it might have been better adapted to an "active predatory lifestyle".
Furthermore, the appearance of these features was pivotal in vertebrate evolution because it enabled a predatory lifestyle.
This practice may lead to larger embryos or prepare it for a predatory lifestyle.
While its mid-gut glands strongly suggest a predatory lifestyle, its ability to penetrate mineralised shells has come under fire in recent years.
Afterwards, newt larvae start a predatory lifestyle, while tadpoles mostly scrape food off surfaces with their horny tooth ridges.
Its external morphology is a sign of its aquatic and predatory lifestyle.
Deltochilum valgum is a nocturnal species of dung beetle in the family Scarabaeidae, which has evolved a predatory lifestyle.