His recent predecessors include an airline executive, a labor negotiator and a World War II fighter pilot.
Early predecessors of the sextant include the cross-staff and backstaff made of wood.
The winstubs of its old neighborhoods are gathering places for university students whose predecessors include Goethe.
This convention's predecessor, in 1989, included four concerts at Town Hall and panel discussions.
Its predecessors include the award-winning Evening Sentinel.
Important predecessors of these movements include critical psychology and humanistic psychology.
His predecessors include the father, grandfather and great-grandfather of the opera composer Giacomo Puccini, all of them church musicians.
Some sections of the 1899 act have been superseded by various amendments, including the 1972 CWA, while other notable legislative predecessors include:
His predecessors include Bill Speirs.
His predecessors in this position include Romano Prodi and Stefano Zamagni.