The game features three levels through which the player's movement is automated on a predetermined path.
The running time is just a constant if a predetermined path is used.
They all start at a given signal and run a predetermined path.
The parts fit more tightly, and what had previously been a collection of notes following a predetermined path becomes something else.
This way after each shooting, they would be able to quickly leave the area on a predetermined path, and move on to the next location.
Armies may only move along predetermined paths between towns and castles.
The action segment I was able to play took place in a gully, with the game guiding me along a predetermined path.
We had walked together down our predetermined path without any real questioning or looking at where we were headed and why.
Inside, its galleries form a kind of labyrinth that allows visitors to make their own way rather than follow a predetermined path.
This was really a test case-whether I could do the unexpected and mess up the predetermined path.