If it admits it, what kind of predetermined result can that be which a simple resolution, a step, a word, may alter or modify ad infinitum?
One of the dissenting judges published a remarkable appendix accusing the chief judge of having cherry-picked the judges on an earlier panel to reach a predetermined result.
They also say that computer system used to count ballots may be programmed with predetermined results.
Much relieved, the Republican Justice Department hastily announces it accepts the predetermined result of the White House "inquiry" and will not investigate.
Another effect of the dubious election was the sense of a predetermined results.
It became obvious that there were orders not to count votes, but to deliver a predetermined result.
Bergson considers the appearance of novelty as a result of pure undetermined creation, instead of as the predetermined result of mechanistic forces.
And people who are not adhering to appraisal standards are being rewarded by work from brokers who want a predetermined result in their appraisals.
You're forcing everything to fit a predetermined result.
Results are compared not with other tables but with the predetermined par result.