On-demand service lets consumers see movies when they want, while pay-per-view lets them see movies on a predetermined schedule.
These establishments also produce or transmit visual programming to affiliated broadcast television stations, which in turn broadcast the programs to the public on a predetermined schedule.
By law, companies that promise pensions are required to set aside enough money to pay them, following a predetermined schedule.
The law requires some rulings from the CPSC on a predetermined schedule, and allows for other rulings as necessary.
Operation is performed to a predetermined schedule by trained personnel who monitor the patient and may adjust the schedule as required.
The Germans suggest a 24-hour moratorium if Belgrade begins to pull out its troops, with the bombing halt extended as long as the withdrawals continue to meet a predetermined schedule.
Reinforcement should be delivered on a predetermined schedule.
Those with access to the customer lineup (Aryan VIPs only), had to sign up for a specific day and pay two reichsmarks for a 20-minute "service" based on a predetermined schedule.
Most companies pay their employees on a predetermined schedule.
Instead, she advised liquidating shares of a chosen stock fund gradually on a predetermined schedule.