The amplitude of the SSEP then hovers about this predetermined value.
The High-Low system is considered a single-level or level-one count, because the count never increases or decreases by more than a single, predetermined value.
Dividing these continuous measures into ranges (either based on predetermined values or percentiles) gives ordered categories.
Players are assigned a certain predetermined value for each foul committed.
The regressors x may be viewed either as random variables, which we simply observe, or they can be considered as predetermined fixed values which we can choose.
The government partially reimburses the costs for low-wage workers, whose premiums are capped at a predetermined value.
Limiting: Any process by which a specified characteristic (usually amplitude) of the output of a device is prevented from exceeding a predetermined value.
In a private company, goodwill has no predetermined value prior to the acquisition; its magnitude depends on the two other variables by definition.
This is cumbersome and requires the use of a computer or published tables of predetermined values.
Each letter had a predetermined value of $5-$100.