He predicted a successful filibuster against legislation to revise campaign financing, for example, saying Democrats would write a bill to help themselves, not the country.
This involved using computer models to predict risks and hedge against them, in accordance with the Californian Ideology.
That's how the Red Sox live, on the edge, predicting greatness against the largest of odds.
Did he care to predict the outcome of his election against his wife?
'Gabriel predicted the second hotrod attack against Wilholm, why not the third?'
They predicted net income of $2.60 a share, against $4.12 a share in 1989.
Yet at the same time, arts groups say, there is no sure-fire way to predict or guard against a reversal of fortune.
Two days from the election internal polling by The Australian predicted a swing of 8-10% against Lawlor.
Others predicted a swift victory against a grossly outmatched and disloyal Iraqi military.