This meant that publishers of N64 titles had to attempt to predict demand for a game ahead of its release.
It introduced a new product line, making it difficult to predict demand and causing shortages of components.
It set out to predict likely demand for higher education until the end of the century, and to provide guidelines for meeting it.
They predicted demand for 140,000 megawatts of new generating equipment in the 1990's, including new nuclear plants.
The marketing/production challenge is therefore to be able to predict demand both in the short 4-12 week term and over the 24-48 month long term.
This is an age of advanced technology and sophisticated tools to predict demand.
He said the company has a system that can track patterns of power use and predict future demand.
To predict demand even over the time it would take to build an island is too error prone.
The company did not provide forecasts for the full year, saying that the deepening recession made it too difficult to predict demand from advertisers.
Some people in the industry predict high demand for these luxury financial investments.