The system is designed to predict patterns that will unfold in the market over periods as short as two minutes.
The study used a cognitive model that predicted behavioral and activation patterns for specific regions in the brain.
It tries to describe, explain, and predict patterns of prices, supply, and demand.
A. Data mining is the use of historical information to predict the future or to predict patterns of behavior.
The technology uses "dynamic clustering," a method used by weather forecasters to predict patterns.
Short-term study of in-house use cannot safely predict long-term patterns.
A study in one library cannot safely predict patterns in another.
Proposal: although currently considered impractical, I believe that fractals can be used to predict global sociopolitical patterns.
They know similar individual actions build into patterns and they can predict patterns.
The theory of analysis then goes even further: rules not only predict broad patterns, they also provide guidance about the extent of a rise or fall.