Maury later gave talks in Europe about cooperation on a weather bureau for land just as he had charted the winds and predicted storms at sea many years before.
His dog, Too, can predict storms and trouble.
They're predicting storms over 'Frisco tonight, but the desert'll be real nice flying.
A boy who could predict storms, who made friends with savage lions!
With weather experts predicting more frequent and stronger coastal storms, Congress is expected to focus soon on trying to reshape the flood program.
Some studies also predict violent storms and destructive droughts.
Traditionally, Bermudians rely on unique shark-oil based "barometers" to predict storms and other severe weather.
It was nice to see her, even if his equations did predict long and serious storms.
The world's most advanced weather satellite, a robot craft that forecasters believe will revolutionize their ability to predict and track storms, was launched into orbit today.
Without weather satellites, they studied wind patterns and even tasted salty air to predict storms.