These materials fracture in a predictable fashion, and are easily resharpened.
That removal bad an added benefit of allowing the sun to burn in a slower, more predictable fashion.
This causes an external reductant to reduce the substrate in a predictable fashion.
Instead, he was timing the Vorta, noting that he moved in a predictable fashion.
When a human trading expert sees certain terms, they will react in a somewhat predictable fashion.
They moved over the years, but slowly and gradually, as a whole and in predictable fashion.
In layperson language, some cancers spread in a predictable fashion from where the cancer started.
The Tleilaxu was not acting in a predictable fashion.
"They are not linear, moving in predictable fashion."
The book's concerns - race, weight gain, self-esteem, seduction, popular music - play out in a predictable if not unpleasant fashion.