But, with the sudden appearance of the director's mother, "Juliet" takes a predictable though unpersuasive turn, as life imitates would-be art.
The play never rises above the simplistic as it follows every predictable turn to a pat conclusion.
The movie is ultimately more passionate about its characters' place in history than about their individual lives, which take fairly predictable if not always happy turns.
Ms. Magnuson continues to be deliciously bizarre, but her brief whirlwind appearances on the show now threaten to become predictable turns bordering on the grotesque.
The film is loaded with predictable turns, including a lame running joke about the broken English the Stewarts' Russian butler speaks.
At turns enchanting, predictable and irritating, it is uncompromising in all the wrong ways.
Still, the dialogue tends to be more inadvertently comical than necessary, laced with heavy sadism and predictable turns of phrase ("You've tried my patience long enough!")
Washington's secret war over secrecy has taken a predictable turn.
This, too, was an entirely' predictable turn of events.
Their parents are relentlessly obtuse and the plot takes some perhaps predictable optimistic turns, but Liam/Luna is an affecting character.