A test set is a set of data used in various areas of information science to assess the strength and utility of a predictive relationship.
The data used to construct or discover a predictive relationship are called the training data set.
Linear regression includes any approach to modelling a predictive relationship for one set of variables based on another set of variables, in such a way that unknown parameters appear linearly.
Typology in Christian theology and Biblical exegesis is a doctrine or theory concerning the predictive relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Correlations are useful because they can indicate a predictive relationship that can be exploited in practice.
Test scores are interpreted based on a proposed use and assessed in that context, rather than simply by establishing a predictive relationship between scores and grades.
Today, there is ample evidence to suggest that children do not learn words through 'fast mapping' but rather learn probabilistic, predictive relationships between objects and sounds that develop over time.
A training set is a set of data used in various areas of information science to discover potentially predictive relationships.
The trait 'positive urgency' has been shown to have a predictive relationship with increases in drinking quantity and alcohol-related problems in college, as well as drug use in college.
It is considered a quantitative method similar to the scientific method, which focuses on hypothesis-conclusion approaches to test relationships, and operations research, which uses model building to identify predictive relationships.