Monotony was a cardinal sin for Victorian architects, just as it is the predominant defining characteristic of modern architecture.
Grace's major complaint, apology and explanation of the state-of-the-art rock scene was that its predominant characteristic was volume.
Instead, it divides the broad field of weaponry into many exclusive types based on their predominant physical characteristics, including blade shape and hilt configuration.
The composer disliked showy display, and the predominant characteristic of his piano music is a classical restraint and understatement.
It may be a predominant characteristic of people in their 20's, in whatever era.
Its predominant characteristics are a mixture of oak/pine forest with steep slopes, shallow soils and rocky terrain.
Are there predominant characteristics among senior people/stars?
The "pietistic" quality of Fra Angelico's work is in fact its predominant characteristic.
They agreed the predominant characteristics are incongruity or contrast in the object and shock or emotional seizure on the part of the subject.
The dignity that had marked them at first meeting had grown in impression till it had reached the mark of being their predominant characteristic.