Dipterocarps are predominant trees in the lowland forests of Sundaland.
Sal tree is the most famous and predominant trees here.
This species is a predominant ridge-top tree in eastern North American hardwood forests.
The predominant tree of the Australian savannah ('bush') is the eucalyptus, which is browsed in particular by the koala.
Eucalypts are the predominant trees in much of Australia and New Guinea.
The predominant tree of the forest is sal (Shorea robusta).
It is rarely a predominant tree, but it grows in association with many other species.
The predominant tree in Yellowstone, the lodgepole pine, fared poorly from the fires, except in areas where the heat and flames were very mild.
Oaks and beeches are the predominant trees, along with firs and pine trees.
In ancient times the region was mostly forested, with sal (Shorea robusta) the predominant tree.