From 1989 to 2012, TFO operated several over-the-air transmitters in predominantly francophone areas of Ontario.
It is a predominantly Francophone community situated along the southern border of Quebec between Montreal and Ottawa.
Government services were often not available in French, and the infrastructure in predominantly francophone areas was noticeably less evolved than in the rest of the province.
Haiti is the most populous of the predominantly Francophone independent nations in the Americas.
Predominantly francophone communities in Alberta maintained some control of local schools by electing trustees sympathetic to French language and culture.
Being one of the few Social Credit politicians who was able to speak English, Rondeau helped represent the predominantly francophone party across Canada.
French programming was included on that station to support the predominantly francophone community.
It is commonly argued that the latter is a result of the greater part of his reception having thus far occurred in predominantly francophone milieux.
Today Faymonville forms part of the predominantly francophone Belgian district of Malmedy.
He had some commercial success in Quebec, Canada's predominantly francophone province.