None of the prefatory material lasted too long.
The manuscript contains the Latin text of the four Gospels, along with prefatory material and canon tables.
All of these are prefatory and explanatory material.
The two-page spread of the miniature and the text makes a vivid introductory statement for the prefatory material.
Cato's De Agricultura: Latin text, English translation, information on the manuscripts, prefatory material.
According to Macpherson's prefatory material, his publisher, claiming that there was no market for these works except in English, required that they be translated.
In these prefatory materials, Pope points out that the Keys were often wrong about the allusions, and he explains his reluctance at spelling out the names.
The codex includes the Latin text of the Gospels, along with glosses and prefatory material.
In addition to the text of the Gospels, the manuscript includes several pieces of prefatory material.
The gospel prologues do not precede each gospel, as in many other insular manuscripts, but are gathered together with other prefatory material.