Toward the later empire, the soldiers assassinated emperors who preferred diplomacy and put their own most popular officers into the vacant office.
Unlike Julius, Alexander never made war unless absolutely necessary, preferring negotiation and diplomacy.
The Vice President made "the point there is a diplomatic track and we'd prefer diplomacy to bombing," the aide added.
His liking for war brought him into conflict with Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, who preferred diplomacy in the conduct of foreign affairs.
He prefers diplomacy but believes that diplomacy must be backed up by a willingness to use force when necessary.
Basel and Schaffhausen preferred quiet diplomacy while Zurich wanted armed conflict.
The countries say they prefer private diplomacy, not public rebukes.
Ms. Wallerstein can play hardball when she has to but prefers diplomacy.
"We prefer diplomacy, but there are other options," a diplomat said this afternoon.
Ormonde took a less ruthless approach to the campaign than the English officers had, preferring diplomacy to scorched earth tactics.