Would you prefer flowers, trinkets, or love songs?
Or if you prefer flowers, why not slip in a few veg in between them?
The lizards are said to prefer yellow flowers, such as those of the brittlebush (Encelia farinosa).
Bill Aulenbach, the company's marketing manager, said Americans seem to prefer single flowers while Europeans favor doubles.
They are dependent on Asteraceae as a pollen source and they prefers yellow flowers.
And she would much prefer flowers.
Some people prefer flowers in the water to give a pleasant smell, as well as adding cologne/perfume.
It favors ants, and on plants it prefers the fruits and flowers.
For motifs, she preferred flowers, leaves, ferns, grass, vegetables, the sun and ladybugs.
They tend to prefer red, trumpet-shaped flowers, in which nectar thickly oozes, and eat every 15 minutes or so.