Unlike many other immigrants, Irish women preferred domestic work because it was constantly in great demand among middle- and upper-class American households.
Some prefer part-time work, so that there is extra income and interest, but time to enjoy leisure, too.
He prefers physical labor rather than intellectual work.
But you cannot very well dismiss a secretary because he prefers work to play, likes getting up early in the morning, and has positively no vices.
He did not wish to pursue law, preferring more practical, less 'theoretical' work.
Richardson has said that she prefers new work rather than the classics because of the history which goes with them.
He prefers work to intimacy, however, and their marriage flounders.
Third, he prefers interactivity and common work.
"Surely you prefer productive work at a useful occupation to a drone's existence?"
He is a pragmatic sort, preferring work to idle talk.
Do I prefer working on my own or as part of a team?
Would he prefer working under a different set of conditions?
It was one of the reasons he preferred working horses.
Others prefer to make a clean break and work away from the start.
At the same time, he preferred working on television.
They may include questions like these: Do you prefer working indoors or outdoors?
A bit of a loner, he does tend to prefer working alone.
IF you prefer working extra hours early in the morning, ensure that the time is acknowledged by making your presence known.
They prefer working for Octavian because he pays them more money.
Bolan preferred working alone or with only a small, select team.