Instead, this preference may depend on some frequency-independent quality, such as an innate attraction toward a certain color.
That is, the preference between the two allocations depends on the criterion of failure - the critical revenue.
The preference for a polyamorous versus a swinging style of open marriage may depend on many psychological factors.
In 1995, Swiss biologist Claus Wedekind determined MHC influences both body odors and body odor preferences in humans, and that the women's preferences depend on their hormonal status.
It turned out that preferences depended on what tasters thought milk should taste like.
The patron's preference, if any, probably will depend upon which he's interested in.
Julian Blau proves that Sen's paradox can only arise when individuals have "nosy" preferences - that is when their preference depends not only on their own action but also on others' actions.
Naturally, one's preference in the matter of cats and dogs depends wholly upon one's temperament and point of view.
The preference for certain words depends on the speaker's geographic origin rather than ethnicity; for example, Serbs from Bosnia use "mrkva" and "hlače" rather than "šargarepa" and "pantalone".
The social preference between x and y should depend only on the individual preferences between x and y (Pairwise Independence).