The school has a written agreement with Eastern Virginia Medical School regarding preferential admissions for Academy graduates.
Similarly, the University of California system has begun to eliminate preferential admissions for graduate students under a measure passed by the university's regents in 1995.
Boys who have to leave school after 5th are given a preferential admission to Carmel matric and Higher secondary school, a sister school.
Still, he condemns the Regents for prohibiting preferential admissions, because he fears that will be a signal to minorities that they are not welcome.
The suggestion that Mr. Razo received preferential admission to Harvard as a minority-group applicant was unsubstantiated.
The practice of preferential admissions for alumni offspring, or "legacies," as they are known, has come under increasing fire.
The order exempts no one from the common duties and burdens of citizens, nor does it carry with it any preferential admission to senior official posts in the State.
That's no excuse for pretending that the abolition of racially preferential admissions is turning the university all or even mostly white.
Traub's opposition to preferential admissions for legacies and minorities assumes that "merit" can be accurately measured in college admissions.
In addition, when asked to estimate the impact of preferential admissions on university academic standards, about two-thirds say there is none.