He also maintained that other government officials were trying to steer the conglomerate toward their preferred buyers.
On October 28, 2009, Geely was named as the preferred buyer of Volvo by the American automaker.
He called and found that it was finally for sale - with the proviso that Mr. Love be the preferred buyer if he could match the highest bid offered during the sales process.
Occasionally, one person even becomes the preferred buyer for many different rabbis.
But now that the preferred buyer has put a concrete bid on the table, analysts say Mitsubishi Tokyo will probably carry the day.
The statement said that preferred buyers would be Tyrol itself, Kartitsch village, or the Austrian federal forestry authority.
In 2000, Burger King's franchisees, who own 92 percent of the company's restaurants, began calling for a split with Diageo and backed Texas Pacific as the preferred buyer.
Once you have identified your preferred buyer it's essential to develop a relationship based on trust.
On the economic side, the analysts said, Amoco, with the financial power of its United States parent behind it, appeared to be the preferred buyer.
At a conversion rate of $5 a share, preferred buyers were getting a huge bargain.