Instead, outcomes, interim progress, and intermediary goals are the preferred measures of influence.
Since 2000, the company says it has had almost $20 billion in "core business earnings," its preferred measure of profitability.
Instead, the canonical correlation is the preferred measure of effect size.
For this preferred measure of mode, we find no tendency whatsoever for increase in size through time in any act.
In pediatrics, the shortening fraction is the preferred measure of systolic function.
But by the Fed's preferred measure of core inflation prices are about 2.9 percent higher than one year ago.
On the Treasury's preferred measure, which excludes the cost of bank bailouts, borrowing rose to £15.9bn last month, compared with £14bn a year ago.
The Government's preferred three-month measure shows output was unchanged compared with the previous three months, and only 0.5 pc up on a year earlier.
Free-cash flow, Amazon's preferred measure of its performance, grew 21 percent, to $417 million, over the first quarter of last year.
The Fed's preferred measure of core inflation is up 1.7 percent.