During Stalinism, the preferred Soviet policy was to keep sensitive posts in the hands of non-Poles.
If there is a median voter, his (or her) preferred policy will beat any other alternative in a pairwise vote.
The strong form of the median voter theorem says the median voter always gets his most preferred policy.
Violence was always the Assad regime's preferred policy, and now it's their only policy left.
But even after he smoked out Mr. Bush's intentions, he stopped short of advocating his preferred policy.
That is why I cannot give you a preferred policy, Caudrey, much though I would like to do so.
Further, the results of the third world's own preferred economic policies are nothing to brag about.
High on environmental activists' list of preferred policies is increasing automobile fuel-efficiency standards.
But that did not deter the general from pushing for his preferred policy.
The mistake he makes is attempting to co-opt Reagan entirely to his own preferred policy of compromise in foreign affairs.