He opposes abortion, making an exception only when pregnancy endangers a woman's life.
The law permitted abortions only where hospital committees were satisfied that pregnancy endangered the woman's physical or mental health.
The law prohibits abortions except when a pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, in which case approval must come from two physicians.
It prohibits abortions except when a pregnancy endangers a woman's life.
However, an overwhelming majority of both fundamentalists and mainline Protestants indicated that they would support abortion in cases where the pregnancy endangered the mother's life.
It was previously only available in cases of rape, deformity or where the pregnancy endangered a woman's health and was rarely carried out in public hospitals.
Parental consent would not be required in an emergency, if continued pregnancy would endanger the girl.
Federal law allows Government funds for abortions only in cases where pregnancy endangers the life of the woman.
That law, which was enacted earlier this year, prohibits abortions except when a pregnancy endangers a woman's life.
The law prohibits abortions except when a pregnancy endangers the life of the mother.