Additionally, the office grants $30.7 million to promote sexual abstinence among adolescents and provide health care and other services to pregnant and parenting adolescents.
She came to public attention 22 years ago as the founder of Project Teen Aid for pregnant adolescents, which still exists.
That field study of over 2000 pregnant adolescents confirmed that rape and early pregnancy are gender aftershocks of the earthquake that have disproportionately impacted Haitian teenage girls.
However, the notion of group homes for pregnant and parenting adolescents is not new.
In South Carolina, a home visiting program teams pregnant adolescents with experienced mothers.
We've seen serious injuries to the back and upper thighs and cases of pregnant adolescents miscarrying.
The case managers working with pregnant adolescents had complained that they were running into increasingly frustrating delays when they tried to get their patients into existing local prenatal programs.
Another study found that pregnant adolescents whose mothers had a higher level of education were more likely to release their babies for adoption.
Fifteen states have developed employment and training programs intended to keep pregnant adolescents in school.
Kokotailo P, Adger H, Jr., Duggan A, Repke J, Joffe A. Cigarette, alcohol, and other drug use by school-age pregnant adolescents: prevalence, detection, and associated risk factors.