Trees covered in the vine's green mail looked like prehistoric dinosaurs rearing up over a solid green sea.
As handsome as he was, he undoubtedly thought monogamous was the name of a prehistoric dinosaur.
The song's conception stems from an encounter Kesha had with an older man that had been hitting on her, which she compared to a prehistoric dinosaur.
"I didn't think we prehistoric dinosaurs had any secrets left worth talking about."
One can't clone hundreds of prehistoric dinosaurs, put them in an environment, and expect to control the results.
The best-known fossils for the general public are those of the giant, prehistoric dinosaurs.
Volkswagens metamorphosed into turtles and prehistoric dinosaurs.
It is the collection of concrete prehistoric life-size dinosaurs, sculptures, fairy-tale creatures and animals.
He then releases prehistoric dinosaurs and a massive earthquake, rendering the scientist, his wife and Alice as the only humans left.
A baler, which looks like a prehistoric dinosaur and, fittingly enough, crushes light iron into bale, was methodically chewing up the structure last week.