I have honor to be member of one of oldest line marriages in Luna-and, in my prejudiced opinion, best.
What say we ignore his prejudiced opinion and simply drop down the cash to purchase this week's great new hot product?
Against an already prejudiced public opinion?
Many are against it, for it would expose the use of prejudiced opinion masquerading as religious belief.
This outburst, like some later scenes, makes a clear link between Nell's feeling of dissatisfaction in her relationship with Jacko and her racially prejudiced opinions.
The entry started with the statement that 'prejudice is an opinion without judgement'(p. 351): i.e., the processes of reasoning have not been applied to the prejudiced opinion.
From there, it was only a very short step to attributing all kinds of prejudiced opinions to God and thus making them absolute.
I'm seeing this on Monday, but I have already formed my prejudiced opinions about it.
The commissioners often simply reported verbatim the prejudiced opinions of landowners and local Anglican clergy.
They sometimes feel much more relaxed about letting their own outrageous, politically incorrect, prejudiced opinions come out.