But it wants to reach a preliminary consensus by May 13 to allow time for suggestions from the public and then more meetings in late June.
Your uncle is on Gryphon this weekend, but I had some of the Foreign Office's senior legal specialists look over his conclusions, and their preliminary consensus is that he's quite right about the Crown's authority, with advice and consent of Parliament, to add worlds to the Star Kingdom.
The five reportedly reached a "preliminary consensus" on a plan to involve the UN in the governing of Cambodia ahead of a general election.
In accordance with preliminary consensus and agreement among the northern clans Somaliland merged with Somalia on July 1, 1960 thus forming the unitary Somali Republic.
As preliminary consensus in the formation of a canon was arrived at, early Christian communities would typically entrust to a member of the community the task of providing care and security for those documents that authentically represented the identity and cohesion of each community in this upstart (and frequently embattled) religion.
The panel hopes to reach a preliminary consensus, possibly through votes on specific topics, by May 13.