So far, lawyers have engaged in only preliminary legal skirmishing, with few indications of the evidence that might be introduced in court.
Johnson's Big Advantage But all of this is preliminary skirmishing.
Once preliminary skirmishing was over, skirmishers participated in the main battle by shooting into the enemy formation, or joined in melée combat with daggers or short swords.
There were no winners, but there were a great many theories, guesses and just a touch of preliminary skirmishing that gave hints of rougher stuff to come.
The death of Colonel Scammell, however, during the preliminary skirmishing before Yorktown robbed him of much of the joy of that great victory.
Complete results are expected to take as much as another week, but preliminary skirmishing has already begun in the contest for prominent positions in the new transitional government.
There was no preliminary skirmishing, and a single gallant charge by 1500 Boers both opened and ended the engagement.
From the gladiators' standpoint, this had been the veriest preliminary skirmishing.
This preliminary skirmishing had no effect.
This verdict comes after a long year of preliminary skirmishing.