For about a week before a period, many women have some premenstrual symptoms.
Possible side effects include premenstrual symptoms such as nausea, headaches and weight gain.
Some studies have shown that magnesium reduces mild premenstrual symptoms.
Doctors don't fully know why premenstrual symptoms are worse in some women than in others.
Seven million women in the United States experience disruptive premenstrual symptoms, the researchers said.
It may help with painful periods and premenstrual symptoms.
This sensitivity can lead to episodes of low blood sugar, which may trigger premenstrual symptoms.
Regular aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming appears to improve premenstrual symptoms.
If you have moderate to severe premenstrual symptoms that continue despite home treatment and lifestyle changes, talk to your health professional about using medicine.
Article: The relationship between bipolar disorder, seasonality, and premenstrual symptoms.