The series premiered in Australia on 6 June 2005 - although it premiered in New Zealand some two months earlier.
The premiere took place on 27 February 1814, at a concert at which the Seventh Symphony (which had been premiered two months earlier) was also played.
It also bore many similarities in its format to the American program Nightline which premiered three years earlier, in 1979.
(1974-1975), a game show, premiered earlier in the day on NBC.
Originally, the song was scheduled to be released on 25 February, however, it instead premiered exclusively on Dromos FM 89.8 one day earlier.
Also involved in this case is the film Share, another Malaysian film with a similar theme as KL Gangster and premiered a month earlier.
In March 1957 20th Century Fox bought the rights to the play, which premiered a month earlier.
"Roly-Poly" was released on February 29, 2012, with the music video premiering a month earlier on January 20.
Richard Wagner's Ring cycle premiered in London earlier in 1882.
Maging Sino Ka Man premiered a month earlier prior to the scheduled premiere.