The episode wasn't well received amongst the cast and crew, but Maurice Hurley thought that the basic premise held promise.
An admissible rule is one whose conclusion holds whenever the premises hold.
This hypothesis was challenged through mathematical models suggesting otherwise, but subsequent studies have shown that the premise holds in real systems.
If your premises hold less than 500 kilograms of hazardous waste in a year, you do not need to register.
The underlying premise of restorative justice holds that all three are accountable to each other.
The premises holds a theatre, gallery, several art studios and meeting rooms, and a darkroom.
Soon afterwards, when the premises could not hold the number of worshippers attending, it was decided that a new, much larger synagogue be built.
Up to that point, his premise held.
And the premise holds: you do need to give a lot more thought to making the food taste good when you're trying to eat less.
Everything was almost exactly as it had been when these same premises held a coach and a couple of horses.