With no change in current law, the premium would drop to $42.50 a month.
If the same $100,000 represents 85 to 90 percent of value, the premium would drop to $450 for the first year and $350 thereafter.
As a result, many companies raised premiums and others dropped their medical liability coverage entirely.
Republicans said the change must be approved soon to take effect on Jan. 1, when the premium would otherwise drop to $42.50 a month.
Schuler's premiums have dropped to $7,000, from $275,000 in 1987.
But a young man's premiums would drop under the Florio plan.
Under a quirk in current law, the premium would drop to $43.70 next year.
The result will be, premiums drop for every single person by $1,000 or more.
In personal coverage, the story is not so much that premiums have dropped but that you can get more for your money.
In such an atmosphere some premiums have dropped by up to 20 percent.