Reputedly, it is very difficult to obtain premium tickets to the show.
Spector had purchased premium tickets, which were marketed as more handicap friendly.
The lounges can serve 4,500 fans, whose old plaza seats were upgraded to premium tickets, giving those fans leather chairs with cup-holders.
From simonjlambert: "I can confirm the ticket prices - I have premium tickets for Friday that cost 12 quid - bargain."
They also assume that any premium tickets they allot for high-demand routes will be snapped up, Mr. Mainzer says.
Always paying cash, he quickly obtained from scalpers premium tickets for the symphony, and those ballet and opera performances that interested him.
Of course, if you've got the cash, you can skip all this rigmarole and buy what are now known as premium tickets.
Mr. McElreath is a frequent theatergoer, but had never considered buying premium tickets.
That is exactly how premium tickets work, according to those involved in several productions.
Looking to spend less than the $518 that two premium tickets cost?