If a program requires you to buy prepackaged meals, find out how much the meals will cost-they may be expensive.
Also, eating prepackaged meals does not let you learn the food selection and cooking skills you will need to maintain weight loss over the long term.
Today, 21 of its 28 stores offer prepackaged meals, of which 8 feature on-site sushi chefs.
Jenny Craig's prepackaged meals have lured dieters who don't want to fuss with food preparation.
They had two of the Army's infamous prepackaged meals a day.
Jenny Craig manufactures prepackaged meals that are sold exclusively through its weight loss centers.
Stella moved into the kitchen and dialed a prepackaged meal.
After all, what could go wrong with a prepackaged meal?
The keystone to the Jenny Craig diet is its prepackaged meals.
American soldiers sick to death of prepackaged meals struck a deal when they met some French troops .