Moreover, preparing individual acts from three different productions of three different operas sounds like three times the work.
In 2001 France convicted him in absentia for "participation in a criminal group with a view to preparing terrorist acts".
"It is very possible they are preparing aggressive acts," he said.
Takes decisions and prepares legal acts and regulations necessary for the implementation of the laws 5.
But the order applies much more broadly and vaguely, for example to anyone who has "harbored" someone who has ever prepared terrorist acts.
The Yugoslav press has reported that Albanian "extremists were preparing acts of terrorism" in Serbia.
Eight people were charged with conspiracy to commit murder and preparing acts of terrorism.
Andrew Ibrahim (born 1989), English student convicted of "preparing terrorist acts"
Charged with conspiracy to murder and preparing acts of terrorism.
Instead, as the Commissioner has already stated, they use the free and open society with its facilities to quietly prepare terrorist acts which they commit elsewhere.