This modern building once served to prepare prisoners for open conditions and had a capacity of 89.
They prepare prisoners for life back in the community by allowing them to work outside and occasionally take home leave.
The only role for psychiatrists at Gitmo seems to be to help prepare prisoners for interrogation.
In World War II he served in the Army's Psychological Warfare Division, preparing intelligence reports and debriefing German prisoners.
The prison was also criticised for being overcrowded, under-resourced, and failing to prepare prisoners for release.
All the more justification for preparing prisoners to talk.
Although some lip-service is now being paid to the concept of rehabilitation within prisons, there was little evidence of serious efforts to prepare prisoners for life outside.
Later, he started a subsidiary, the Justice Fellowship, which lobbies to improve prison conditions, reform criminal sentencing and help prepare prisoners for eventual re-entry to society.
However the report said that the prison had made progress in improving its training provision for inmates, and work to prepare prisoners for release had also improved.
The aim of the life groups is to prepare prisoners for release through support and family reconciliation, and to offer guidance on challenges faced upon release, including employment, housing and stigma.