In 1965 the Dean asked George Pace, architect to York Minster, to prepare specifications for a new bell frame and for electrification of the clock and tolling mechanism.
This project will perform a detailed assessment, prepare detailed plans and specifications, and execute the needed repairs for the seawall and supporting structure.
These are used to prepare and enforce specifications.
The design project is aimed at preparing specifications for a complete industrial process and is generally carried out with the co-operation of an industrial sponsor.
Since then, an increasing number of towns have added professional planners to supervise growth, zoning officers to make sure local building ordinances are followed, and engineers who prepare specifications for public works and review development plans.
Boulevard Duplessis in Quebec City - Updated the preliminary design, prepared the preliminary and definitive plans and specifications and supervised the work.
He recruited Fred Shea as his Chief Mechanical Engineer and had him prepare specifications for this new equipment.
The key figure in the case, Stuart E. Berlin, worked in the Naval Air Systems Command, where he prepared specifications for electronics contracts.
In general, the Colonial Architect's Department had charge of public buildings and their furniture, the duty of preparing plans and specifications for construction and repair and superintending all works executed by contract.
The chapel's architect, William J. Palmer, designed numerous residences and churches in Washington, D.C., prepared the plans and specifications for the church and attached Parish Hall.