Debates, especially when the candidates stay close to their prepared answers, are an imperfect antidote for dominance of television advertising in modern campaigns.
I cannot believe this was a prepared answer.
Clearly, the Republicans from the House were prepared for some of the questions, because they read out prepared answers and used charts.
Sure enough, some of the questions he had predicted came up, and he handed in his prepared answers.
The guide had a prepared answer: To persuade those countries most advanced in nuclear technology to limit its application to domestic energy needs.
When the emperor and empress entered the hall, prepared answers, or at least talking points, had been placed in front of their chairs.
I should phrase a prepared answer for this question; human persons are always asking it.
I read my prepared answers, and then was told that the questions would be dubbed in afterwards.
I just look at this," he said, referring to a prepared answer.
He's running through his litany of talking points and prepared answers, but he's not giving anything away.