Few dishes are as consistently overpriced as fresh, simply prepared seafood like oysters and clams on the half shell and steamers.
But diners interested in deftly prepared seafood will find it done better elsewhere for less money.
In the summertime, customers form lines outside Jordan Lobster Farms on the corner of Waterview Road to buy fresh or prepared seafood.
It is selling fresh and prepared seafood.
Since then, fine restaurants like Sardelles, which offers simply prepared seafood, have also opened in the area, along with lanes of eclectic cafes and bars.
And there's more: a selection of fresh vegetables, a large case of prepared seafood, New Jersey wines, homemade pasta sauces, bisques and soups.
Prices are moderate and the kitchen turns out seductive roasts, lovely prepared seafood and thin-crusted pizzas.
It offers expertly prepared seafood and lovely views of the river.
Creatively prepared seafood and more classic fare are served in the evening (and twice on Sunday).
We feasted on fresh, deliciously prepared seafood and local produce and wine.