A week before, Balthus would have laughed at any such preposterous suggestion.
Representatives from mental illness charities Mind and Rethink called his suggestion "preposterous" and "seriously misguided."
This perfectly preposterous suggestion left her speechless.
Phil Weaver, the PGA chairman, stated: "It is a preposterous suggestion.
It is a preposterous suggestion psychologically - and legally, too.
As for her preposterous suggestion that she should move in with me.
I've never heard of such a preposterous suggestion as Linda-- Lorinda and I being lovers.
It is a preposterous suggestion.
If," Emerson repeated doggedly, "I had been wearing a monocle, I would have let it fall on hearing such a preposterous suggestion.
Her tone was so matter-of-fact that for a moment the preposterous suggestion almost made sense.