The preferred treatment for all allergy sufferers is to take any medications prescribed for their condition before leaving home, and to take those medications along, two points allergists continually stressed.
The phrase "Abe was taking the common drug prescribed for AIDS" had become "Abe was taking the common drug prescribed for his condition."
If the child were D'ni it would be fairly easy to prescribe something for his condition, but as it is ...
"How do you know what I would prescribe for my condition?"
This medication has been prescribed for your current condition only.
Misoprostol has been prescribed for your specific condition, may not be the correct treatment for another person, and would be dangerous if the other person were pregnant.
You should make sure the drug won't interfere with other medications prescribed for your condition.
The doctor, the inventor of the iron lung, suggested a course of ice-cold showers - virtually the only treatment that Dadd was to be prescribed for his condition, now understood as schizophrenia.