Only doctors can prescribe marijuana legally in California.
After checking with her colleagues, my doctor told me the unofficial policy is to prescribe marijuana only for "end of life scenarios."
It's not clear that many doctors will prescribe marijuana, but some surely will.
Santa Cruz's law protects doctors who have been threatened with the loss of their license by federal officials if they prescribe medical marijuana.
The Administration yesterday cited some of the sanctions it could impose on doctors who prescribe marijuana as another medicine.
He then goes to the hospital, where Dr. Hibbert prescribes him medicinal marijuana.
Not all doctors prescribe medicinal marijuana, even in states where it is permitted.
They say the move will likely encourage more doctors to consider prescribing medical marijuana in states where it's legal.
Arizona approved a measure allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana to relieve the pain and suffering of patients who are seriously ill.
It does not require doctors to prescribe marijuana.