Scabies can only be cured with prescription creams, lotions, or pills.
It can also be treated with certain prescription creams (such as hydroquinone).
If your skin becomes infected, ask your doctor about prescription antibiotic creams or ointments.
Other remedies: liquid nitrogen, laser therapy, topical prescription cream, surgical removal.
This prescription dental cream is used up to three times daily in place of regular toothpaste.
Some prescription creams include two or more active ingredients.
It may go away after pregnancy but, if it persists, can be treated with prescription creams and over-the-counter products.
You'll need an over-the-counter or prescription anti-yeast cream to clear up the rash.
The result, he said, has been fewer breakouts and less reliance on prescription creams.
If it persists, melasma can be treated with prescription creams and over-the-counter products.