Grant, with decent vision even through his prescription goggles, found him.
The Mets gave him a pair of prescription goggles, a new batting coach and his first day off in more than 1,200 professional games.
Many types of goggles are available as prescription goggles for those with vision problems.
To see clearly when he did his daily swim, he needed prescription goggles.
On the field, Jury wore uniform number 106 for the majority of his career and is most recognizable for the prescription goggles he wore.
He suffered the cut over his eye when his prescription goggles were knocked from his face while battling for a rebound.
In the blue cap and prescription goggles, he directs a firm "Ready!"
Gammill's solution was to wear prescription goggles.
To protect your peepers, strap a pair of goggles over your contacts or invest in prescription goggles.
He was fitted for prescription goggles, which he continued to wear throughout his career.