The proposal comes at a time prescription-drug coverage is the focus of a national debate.
Conversely, if Medicare is growing slowly or moderately, it will be easier for Mr. Bush and Congress to keep commitments to add new benefits, like prescription-drug coverage.
To the Editor: To ensure that older and disabled Americans with low incomes get prescription-drug coverage, Congress should redesign the Medicare drug benefit to allow automatic enrollment (news article, March 29).
Part of this legislation included filling gaps in prescription-drug coverage left by the Medicare Secondary Payer Act that was enacted in 1980.
The president-elect promises on the one hand sweeping tax cuts, and on the other hand debt reduction, better schools, prescription-drug coverage and strengthened Social Security.
But some people still find the plans too expensive, especially because the state has mandated that the plans meet certain standards, like prescription-drug coverage.
That roughly doubles the amount the state now pays to provide prescription-drug coverage for the elderly.
The bill does not provide prescription-drug coverage for the elderly, as do Mr. Mitchell's bill and a companion measure in the House.
You don't value families by denying real prescription-drug coverage to seniors so big drug companies can get another windfall profit.
The free program, called Nassau Rx, is meant for people who have no health insurance or who have inadequate prescription-drug coverage, regardless of age or income.