Theodora was struck anew by how much a physical presence determined what could and could not be said.
They grow so abundantly there, their presence would have determined the place's name.
The pigment that defines these colors is called Eumelin, and the presence of certain amounts will determine color.
The presence of a town determines who owns the land itself.
The presence (or lack of) a camera, along with the results of the second ball, will determine the next cycle.
The presence of plutonium-240 limits a sample's usability for weapons or reactor fuel, and determines its grade.
Similarly, the absence or presence of curvature determines whether or not a surface is equivalent to a plane.
The presence of certain artifacts, like spear points, could determine whether Troy was destroyed by war or perhaps, as has been suggested, an earthquake.
They do not threaten anyone, as your increased naval presence will determine quite clearly.
Its presence can determine whether there has been damage from a heart attack.